Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's All About You

Sue Eckert, RN
Chief Nursing Executive
As a nurse of 30-plus years, I still love being on units with patients. As the chief nursing executive at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, I can tell you with great confidence that our nurses love taking care of you. We know that their compassionate care and commitment to safety comes through loud and clear, because you tell us this all the time.

As we make this transition, we are taking extra steps to help our nurses continue to provide the safe, excellent care they are committed to and that our patients have come to expect.

We are bringing in EMR experts to work around the clock to help with the new system as our nurses gain confidence and experience. We have added extra shifts to allow our nurses to spend extra time getting comfortable with the new system. We have made arrangements for additional temporary nurses to provide an extra layer of support with the system and with patient care.

Our nurse leaders will be very visible on the units, too, supporting our floor nurses. They are deeply committed to their nursing teams, just as our nurses are committed to you. 

In the coming weeks, you’ll be hearing more from me about the amazing work our nurses are doing to make this transition successful. In the end, it’s all about taking care of you.

Sue Eckert
Chief Nursing Executive

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